Our Team

Carl Jennings

Founder & Managing Director

Founder Carl Jennings NZBM is regarded as an expert in the field of Applied Athletic Development with over 30 years’ experience working at the highest level of elite professional sports globally.  

A recipient of the New Zealand Bravery Medal and former international athlete.

Spurred on by life events Carl gave up his highly successful professional coaching career and channeled his energy, expertise and time into building the Super 6 High Performance Program.

Transforming young peoples lives in respect to improved health, wellbeing and resilience that allows them to positively effect the future of their communities.


Bob Turner


Chairman Bob Turner is an NBL Hall of Fame coach, and one of Australia’s most recognised and respected sports administrators and personalities.

Super 6 motivates youth through a unique physical and mental wellbeing program.

In my long career in sport spanning 47 years I have not witnessed a similar initiative focused on all sports and all levels of ability.

I’m confident ‘Super 6 It’ is destined to become an anthem for youth sport throughout Australia.


Tahlia Mackenzie

Director / Mentor

Tahlia McKenzie is a NSW representative hockey player and high school teacher, she is a passionate mentor and role model for young athletes within our S6HP program.

Tahlia has a unique ability to connect with young people within our diverse community she has the knowledge, experience and expertise to help them succeed.

She leads our education and life skills program, supporting our athletes to develop sport, life, education plans.


Luke Lewis

Director / Ambassador

Luke Lewis is an Australian sports personality, broadcaster and former NRL player with a glittering career playing over 300 first grade games winning two premierships along with winning the prestigious Clive Churchill medal.

He was an Australian International and New South Wales State of Origin representative.

Luke has a long association with Carl Jennings and is passionate about S6HP, he is our online coach, mentor and a driving force behind the S6HP Junior Superstars event.
